4 powerful ways on how to change your thoughts

Want to learn 4 powerful ways on how to change your thoughts?

Well…. since, “Thoughts are the windows to your soul.” – then it must be important for you to control them.

Girl thinking and pondering on the dock…

Think about it. We are how we think.  Thoughts lead to feelings – feelings lead to action – action leads to results!

Your thoughts are the most powerful resource you have! Period! So give up whining, complaining, griping and bitching about others. It does absolutely no good!

Negative thoughts are nothing but ego trips and barriers to your success.

Why would you let negative thoughts have power over you?


Here are 4 powerful ways on how to change your thoughts:

#1 – Take a deep breath and think of 4 material things you have that you are thankful for.
  • It could be your black belt that secures your pants and makes you feel snug.
  • What about that vibrant scented bottle of perfume?
  • Maybe it’s your “go to” coffee mug.
  • How about those soft slippers that are so comfortable on your feet?

By taking the time to think about the material things you have in your life – and choosing to be grateful for them – you already put yourself in a powerful position to changing your thoughts for the better.

#2 – Look in the mirror and tell yourself how amazing you are!
  • Maybe you have an awesome wink that makes others melt. If that’s the case, wink in the mirror and say, “I am amazing!”
  • Forget the wink – just grin and smile and say, “I am amazing!”
  • Simple positive words of affirmation to yourself brings strength and vibes that are powerful and persuasive.
#3 – Be conscious of your posture. Use eye contact.
  • Quit slouching. Put your feet squarely on the ground and roll your shoulders high. Inhale. Exhale. Notice how you already feel powerful.
  • Walk with a purpose and don’t hunch your shoulders.
  • Stand erect. Make direct eye contact. Focus with your eyes on the other. See how powerful that feels already?
#4 – Focus on your resolve to be happy for the day.
  • Don’t let anyone poop on your happy parade. You are going to be happy for the next 24 hours no matter what.
  • Find 3 things that make you smile.  Your dog. Your brushed teeth. Your fresh pair of shoes.  See how easy that was?
  • Talk to yourself and tell yourself while you’re driving, or walking specifically why those 3 things make you happy…. out loud.  Focus on that resolve to feel that happiness all day.

If you want to know “how to change your thoughts” – just refer back to this article over again.  It is the simple things in life that lead to further powerful things. One. Step. At. A. Time.

Start controlling your thoughts and you control your world.  Forget about negativity – ain’t nobody got time for that! 

Use those 4 strategies:

#1 – Take a deep breath and think of 4 material things you have that you are thankful for.

#2 – Look in the mirror and tell yourself how amazing you are!

#3 – Be conscious of your posture. Use eye contact.

#4 – Focus on your resolve to be happy for the day.

Those 4 powerful ways on how to change your thoughts will lead to happiness and prosperity. Try it and see.

** Tell us how you did! Leave a comment and share with the world your success tips for controlling  your thoughts… **

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