So I’ve been reading up on a book called, “Atomic Habits” by James Clear. (If you haven’t read it, I highly recommend it – you can’t help but want to change things you’re habitually doing.)
One of the things the book taught me was to find ways to change how you’re currently doing things.
I was going to sit down and waste a couple hours watching pre-game hype for the New Orleans Saints & Los Angeles Rams NFC Championship game. I absolutely love football….
Then I got thinking – what’s the point? Is watching the game going to make my life better? Is it going to directly impact me for further success? The answer was obvious: NO
Now instead of watching a TV show and joining a “Hyper Reality” (as MJ DeMarco likes to call it) – I decided to slap sign up on my TV and pull the plug.
I think this could be a spur to further action….
Do yourself a favor. Pull the plug on your TV. Change your routine! Go buy a thank you card and give it to your brother for being a nice guy. Grab a dishcloth out of your kitchen drawer and wipe down your countertops. Do 10 push ups!
Forcing yourself to change your habits from non-productive to productive habits will lead you to a happier existence.